Server Instances

The server instances table allows admins to view and manage which services are part of the cluster deployment. Since the routing application will send requests across the cluster using this table, its critical that it remains current.

Beware: Multi-server deployments are only available with the Enterprise edition. If a multi-server deployment is detected with the Community or Standard editions, the application will stop functioning. In this scenario, use the instances table to remove the irrelevant multi-server nodes.


The Instances table shows the following details:

  • Status - shows whether the service is accessible from the central router
  • Caption - the decorative name given to the service
  • Active Memory - the current amount of memory the service consumes
  • Memory Limit - the maximum amount of memory the service is allowed to consume
  • Type - type of service
  • Name - the technical name for the service
  • Address - the network address for the machine. Either FQDN or IP.
  • Create Date - the date the service was added to the cluster
  • Machine Local Time - the current time as configured on the hosting machine of the service. Use this to diagnose scheduling issues.

Managing Server Nodes

  • Click the Caption edit button to change the name of the service node.
  • Click the Address edit button to change the address of the server hosting the service. This can be set to either an IP address of FQDN. Note: changing this to the wrong address could break the cluster.
  • Click the Delete button to delete a server node.
  • Click the Memory Limit button to open a dialog allowing admins to change the upper memory limit (measures in Mega Bytes). Click here for more details.
  • If audit logging is enabled, click the button to see the audit trail history for the service object.

To keep the application viable, at least one node for a given service needs to be operational. The system will NOT allow you to delete any type of node if there is only one in the cluster. In the event you want to remove a node, and you are prevented (as per above), install the second node into the cluster and then return to this panel to remove the alternate.

Macro Buttons

The macro buttons along the top right are used to apply a function to multiple services:

  • Run Garbage Collector: free up memory by removing unused items from all services. The garbage collector can also be run for a specified service from the Summaries Panel, or automated from System Limits.
  • Show Unreachable Services: shows services that cannot be reached.
  • Delete: delete the selected services.